Saturday, December 28, 2019

AbercrombieFitch Financial Analysis - 1299 Words

ACCOUNTING 6000 FINANCIAL PAPER ANALYSIS Introduction: The structure of the paper will be as follows: First, the purpose and objectives of the fnancial analysis will be streched out, and the target audience will be identified. Second, an initial review of the company that will be taken into consideration, ABERCROMBIE FITCH will be conducted. Third, horizontal and vertical analyses with the help of the three major financial statements of the AbercrombieFitch Annual Report (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows) will be conducted. Unusual trends will be identified. Additionally, ratios for the financial statemenst will be classified into four broad groupings, based on the characteristics that particular†¦show more content†¦Helps to indicate how AbercrombieFitch is performing with regard to the market value of its shares. • Earnings p. Share = Net Income / Weighed Average Number of Shares Outstanding = $ 333986 / ((87161+91221)/2) = 3.745 • Price to Earnings (P/E) = Market Price per Share / Earnings per Share = 70.58 $ / 3.745 = 18.85 Results and Interpretation of the Calculations: The current ratio of 1.93, meaning that there are almost twice as many assets as there are liabilities, indicates AbercrombieFitch s ability to meet short-term debt obligations. This ratio is relatively high, meaning that the company is very liquid and considered as having good short-term financial strength. A quick ratio of 1.19 is also indicating strong short-term liquidity, meaning that the company can repay current liabilities without relying on the sale of inventory. Number of days sales in inventory of only 57 days means, that inventory changes frequently, especially since AbercrombieFitch is a clothing company. This high turnover rate can generally be viewed at positively. The gross profit margin tells us as potential investors the percentage of revenue /Show MoreRelatedFinancial Analysis : Abercrombie Fitch1698 Words   |  7 PagesDespite Abercrombie Fitch’s efforts to win back loyal consumers with their new rebranding initiative, the company continues to experience a decline in annual revenue and dismal growth coupled with a poor return on investment, making it a risky investment option for potential shareholders. 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The HM balance sheet does not disclose anything about the types of equity the company has. The Abercrombie and Fitch balance sheet does. The book value of its Class A common stock is $1.033 million. The paid-in capital is $369 million, retained earnings are $2.32 billion and the accumulated other comprehensiveRead MoreCase Study: Abercrombie Fitch948 Words   |  4 Pages1. Abercrombie Fitch (ANF) uses US GAAP as its accounting standards, as required by US securities regulators and accounting conventions (2009 ANF Annual Report). The Securities and Exchange Commission strongly recommends the use of the most up-to-date GAAP taxonomy in the preparation of financial statements and commun ications for American public companies (, 2011). HM is a Swedish company, and its stocks are listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm (, 2012). Firms listed onRead MoreOverseas Expansion Marketing Pl Introduction1339 Words   |  6 Pageslifestyle. By simply acquiring the things the buyers are typifying the Abercrombie and Fitch proverb of casual luxury. It falls under the heterogeneous shopping item class, since all things sold by Abercrombie and Fitch are exclusively purchased because of buyers individual inclinations. There are whatever other brand that offer the same or comparable items, some at a great deal lower costs, yet the purchaser buys Abercrombie items because of individual inclination. For example, I personally loveRead MoreAbercrombie Fitch : Marketing Analysis1563 Words   |  7 Pages Since ten years, Abercrombie Fitch has become one of the most popular brands in the world and solicited especially among adolescent, became a phenomenon, the brand is a symbol of success in the field of ready-to wear for his competitors. 100% of teens say they know this brand primarily targeting young people 15 to 25 years. David Abercrombie and Ezra Fitch become associates for founded in 1892 the brand. The company has evolved from the sale of outdoor sports equipment to sale clothing for youngRead MoreJamba Juice Case1399 Words   |  6 Pagesadvertising and media plan which vehicles might you use to build awareness and generate traffic. 5. Do an assessment of the financial health of the company. 6. What recommendations would you make to see Jamba Juice grow and increase market share? Do you think their proposed strategy in the case study of following the Starbuck’s model is a good one? Abercrombie and Fitch’s product line and target market is starkly different from that of its origins. Founded in 1892, the retailer was an outfitter

Friday, December 20, 2019

How Youths Are Deemed As The Perpetrators Of Today s...

When the words ‘youth’ and ‘young people’ come up there are different connotations that come along with it, some people may feel very positive towards the youth of today. However, some people feel the complete opposite and have negative views altogether. In some cases, people believe they have Ephebiphobia which is a fear of young people, with 1.5 million Britons considering to move houses last year and about 1.7 million people not going out after dark to avoid youngsters (Lewis, 2016). Researchers are fearing that the public are alienating the youth and â€Å"A rise in social Paedophobia will simply make matters worse† Nick Pierce the IPPR (Institute for Public Policy Research). In this essay I will be discussing how youths are deemed as the perpetrators in today’s society and how this theory came about. Furthermore, discussing how young people are also vulnerable to being victims as well, but are also under-protected. Adding to that I will di scuss the UK’s policing structure such as stop and search and taking young people into custody and whether it has been successful for the past years in England and Wales or not. So what defines youth or a young person? criminologists for years have attempted to find a definition for youth. However, criminologist John Muncie has summed it up well: â€Å"An ill-defined and variable period of the life-span between infancy and adulthood.† (Davies, Francis, and Greer, 2007). Although this is a definition people still don’t quite understand whatShow MoreRelatedThe Rape Fantasies Of A Fun Home. Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic1301 Words   |  6 Pagescoming to understand her father s enclosed identity as well. Contrary, Rape Fantasies was written and published by Margaret Atwood. Atwood is an Canadian poet and novelist who gained public attention by a collection of poems called Double Persephone in 1893. 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Should Juveniles Be Trial As An Adult?. By Mikerlange4083 Words   |  17 Pages By Mikerlange Dextra, English 4 honors Mr. Ronald Wilson Period 6 03/14/17 The Declaration of Independence States that â€Å"we the people are created equally†. Based on that, the question of should juveniles be trial as an adult has risen in the society these children are being tried as adults while others are being tried as juveniles and receiving milder punishments. People hold certain inalienable rights that all human beings, â€Å"According to the U.S constitutional, meaning that all humans are naturallyRead MoreAnti Black Racism And The Black Experience2147 Words   |  9 Pagesagainst Black people, Anti-Black Racism is the nomenclature that best describes the historic and current life conditions, in a Euro-centric world, of peoples of African decent, both on and off the African Sub-continent. Some social commentators, in the U. 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The physical confinement of deviants in society can be traced back to the writings of Plato discussing prisons in ancient Athens. Likewise, archaeologists and historians have combined to describe the ‘Great Prison’ of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom (Morris Rothman, 1998). The modern model of the prison that we would know today, with prison acting as a mechanism at the disposal of the court to a significant extent, is actually relativelyRead MoreThe Effects of Violent Video Games on Society Essay2542 Words   |  11 Pages Introduction On December 1, 1997, fourteen-year-old Michael Carneal entered school property in West Paducah, Kentucky and began shooting a pistol at a group of students participating in a youth prayer group, killing three students and injuring five others. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Browning, Robert My Last Duchess And Porphyrias Essay Example For Students

Browning, Robert: My Last Duchess And Porphyrias Essay LoverMike SobierajEnglish 203Roger GilbertThe Lover and the DukeThe creation of a plausible character within literature is one of the most difficult challenges to a writer, and development to a level at which the reader identifies with them can take a long time. However, through the masterful use of poetic devices and language Browning is able to create two living and breathing characters in sixty or less lines. When one examines these works one has to that they are quite the achievements for they not only display the personas of two distinct men but also when compared show large differences while dealing with essentially the same subject. A brief examination of the structural aspects of Porphyrias Lover is needed before further analysis is done. One can break the poem up into twelve stanzas with an ababb stanzaic rhyme structure, though it is most often printed as a block poem. This would make it an alternately rhymed quatrain with a fifth line attached to create a couplet ending. The majority of the lines contain four iambic feet, though a few are nonasyllabic. Five of the twelve stanzas spill into the next stanza, thus detracting from their free-standing integrity. These stanzas are not syntactically self-containing and therefore the end-couplet value is undercut. If we examine the end of the eighth stanza we see that there is enjambment into the ninth stanza. In one long yellow string I wound,Three times her little throat around,And strangled her. (Browning, Porphyrias Lover, Lines 39-41)This does detract from the couplet though it emphasizes the tone, making the understated nature even more sociopathic.This is one example of how this simple tool in itself masterfully accentuates the overall tone of understatement and the impression of lackadaisical unaffected speech. The majority of the words in this poem are monosyllabic which adds to the mood. However, what is more important is that the words that are polysyllabic are quiet and unassuming. They do not break the tense tranquility of the piece. Burrows points out that, Much of the force of the narrative lies in its almost naive simplicity and in the corresponding quiet, matter-of-fact tone of voice, a tone which in effect is not shouting Horrible murder! Read all about it! but murmuring, I am going to tell you a nice little bedtime story. (Burrrows, page 53)Despite the fact that the metrical pattern is often strayed from, some lines contain 3 or 5 stresses, the poem is rhythmically appealing. According to Burrows, the poem suggests the accents and modulations of speech and also remains quietly unemphatic. (page 56)A similar analysis of My Last Duchess is also needed before the two can be compared adequately. The frigid decorum of the Duke is established by the imperceptible, but unfailing, rhyming couplets. The inability for the reader to notice these during recital of the poem is due to the extreme prevalence of enjambment within the work. According to Burrows, It is decidedly the open couplet that he uses, and there are many run-on lines since syntactical pauses rarely coincide with couple-endings or line endings. (page 116) The meter of the poem is iambic pentameter though the rhythm feels more irregular due to the deliberate disregard for the formal couplet pattern. This also creates the sense or beat of regular s peech and helps to create the tone of the Dukes voice. The Duke does not seem as formal in this poem (as his created persona suggests him to be normally). This laxness is done in a coldly calculating way creating a visible facade. Burrows realizes that,The quiet, casual conversation tone prevails throughout the except for one brief moment when the Duke reaches the understated climax of his last duchesss history and his phrases harder into a lapidary laconism. Before it was written, The Iliad was a poem told o EssayPorphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess are two of Brownings impressive monologues that, through the use of poetic devices, develop unique male protagonists. Evident class differences and social issues arise from these works. Porphyrias Lover contains the detail and development that would normally be found in a short story while the much denser My Last Duchess could be said to encompass an entire novel. Thus we can see that these brief works both show a unique mastery by Browning of creating the fictional psyche. The bizarre interrelationship between man and woman is fully captured within these works. There is pain, jealousy, rejection and happiness. The majority of the spectrum of emotions associated with love and marriage is contained by these pieces.From them we can learn the nature of love should allow people to conquer class distinction and that marriage should avoid sexist male tendencies. Inadequacy is a feeling that perva des both poems, and is evident through the voices of their protagonists. One can see its horrifying effect immediately. Men need to learn to deal with their possessive and aggressive natures in a way that creates a love that is beneficial to both partners not to just one. Browning, in these works, is painting the side the Romantics before him neglected to. Works CitedBrowning, Robert, Robert Browning: Selected Poetry, (London: Penguin Books, 1989), pp. 17-8 and 25-6Burrows, Leonard, Browning the Poet, (Perth: University of Western Australia Press, 1969), pp. 51-61 and 115-121 DeVane, William Clyde, A Browning Handbook, (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1955), pp. 108-9Category: English

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Business Communication for Amara Company

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communication for Amara Company. Answer: Introduction In the past business, communication was inefficient and slow because the technology was ineffective. For example, texts were typed using carbon papers to make as copies many copies as possible, something that was tedious and time-consuming. With the advancement in technology, communication has been made easier through the use of telephones, mobile phones, and the internet which made it possible for communication to be done through emails. Likewise, technology has made business communication easier through the sharing of information among the people in the organization. This paper seeks to explore business communication in the organization set up. Communication breakdown can be detrimental to the success of an organization. Therefore, organizations should establish right strategies that will facilitate effective communication throughout. With the technological advances, companies communicate with their stakeholders through emails, phones, video conferences. This has made customer service and sales difficult because it has done away with the personal factor in communication. On the other hand, miscommunication might lead to disengagements and lack of motivation from employees, reluctance in sharing of ideas and staff ceasing to perform to the best of their abilities. (Zoller, 2004, p. 210). Recently Amara Company, a business dealing with horticulture contacted my company to supply them with insecticides. Being the largest manufacturer of insecticides in the region, I didn't want to fail the client. The quotation was made, and my company supplied the ordered amount of products to Amara limited. The goods were sold to the company on credit with a repayment period of three months. The cost accountant ensured that he had sent emails to Amara occasionally limited to serve as a reminder of their debt. The repayment period expired without receiving a word from Amara .the accountant had to follow up with the company so that the debt could be paid. Later it came to their realization that Amara limited wasn't receiving the emails simply because they ended up in the spam file and therefore, according to them they did receive emails at all. As the manager of the company, the situation got me furious because production was not running well due to lack of finances. This, in turn, brought a lot of tension in the company due to anticipatory stress caused by email related norms. Just because the message was sent to Amara limited did not mean that they received it. In this case, the message ended up in the spam file. The accountant would have asked for a response or make a follow-up confirmation call when the email was sent. The failure to have another method in case of communication failure brought my company into a total mess. From the analysis of the above case in my company, it is clear that communication breakdown can create confusion, disappointments and frustrations within the organization. The communication through an email was not an effective method. My company should have used another alternative method of communication when it appeared that the Amara Company was not responding. The utilization of the two communication channels should have helped to solve the situation. However, the reliance on single communication company brought in a lot misunderstandings in my company. Therefore, it is important for the organization to have more than one communication that can applied at the same time. This will help in avoiding the consequences brought by communication breakdown within an organization. Dialogic communication involves the interaction between each person involved where everyone has an equal chance to express himself or herself. In this type of communication, communicators have the right to make their opinions known without any fear or coercion. The parties involved in the communication should listen to each other and try to avoid negative criticism and personal judgments. This type of communication differs from the monologue communication that I have experienced in the workplace and even in the university. Monologue communication occurs when one person talks and the other listens. The person talking is usually interested in his or her own goals and doesnt care about the interest of the listeners. There is no real interaction between the participants and the communicator often show reluctance to listen to the other person ideas. The focus here is not to the audience but on the communicators message. Responses are needed from listeners only when the communicator wants to further his purpose and not to make the audience understand (Rybalko and Seltzer, 2010, p. 337) Dialogue is a practice that engages people to different ideas and perspectives. This is an inclusive process that has significant long term effects on an organization. It is an important tool in the change process. Dialogue increases the employees awareness of the issues that the company is facing and aids in the communication of its objectives. Conflicts that might occur during the change process may be solved through dialogue (Swenson, 2008, p. 44). Through dialogue employees can explain the critical issues that they perceive affects them. On the other side, the company management can pass information that is deemed important or may inoffensive to the company employees in a light manner. Strong and healthy relationships can be created through dialogue. Employees develop confidence in the integrity of those they are working with. Personal agendas of people are known and that employees can count on each other creating a sense of cohesion between them. (Mchesney, 2015). Dialogue with customers enhances their retention because their issues are taken into consideration. This is very effective especially when the organization wants to introduce a new product in the market. Gaining compliance from employees is necessary for them to adhere to rules and regulations set. This can only happen if the management listens to the feedback from staff and take into account their opinions and feelings. The organization needs to have an open communication channel for it to achieve the best performance from employees (Yang and Johnson, 2010, p. 480). Management of conflict can be effectively achieved through dialogue. All parties involved are brought together to discuss their differences in a moderate environment .conflicts in the organization need to be solved because it may lead to loss of talented workforce and possible lawsuits. Dialogue with prospective clients is key to closing important deals and gaining new customers. This is because the clients can be persuaded to accept the products offered by the new client. This cannot be achieved without dialogue (Dycke and Mischke, 2012). Common goals help unite teams in the organization .the management needs to be clear in setting these objectives of departments .sharing the mission, vision of the company can only be achieved through the involvement of every party. This allows employees to understand their roles and be more engaged for the success of the organization. (Deetz and Simptson, 2009, p. 150) Employees are motivated whenever theres open communication because they can share their ideas allowing them to be innovative. New ideas are then put into action and therefore growth experienced in the organization. Engaging in a dialogue makes the subordinates feel comfortable to share their ideas without them being degraded by the senior management. (Skordoulis and Dawson, 2007.p 1000) There are a lot of insights gained about communication from working in an intercultural setup. Some of these may include: ensuring that open communication is part of the organization's culture. Staff should be allowed to share their ideas, and the senior management needs to respect their contributions. Those in leadership need to lead by example for the juniors to follow (Kent and Taylor, 2012, p. 30). A method for collaboration and sharing of ideas should be developed. This could be in the form of a suggestion box, holding regular meetings or coming up with a software tool that captures new ideas from the staff. People from different cultures get to sit and table their views developing strong working relationships among them (Caprioti Moreno, 2007, p. 87). Managers need to practice what they tell their staff. Open dialogue amongst the staff should come from the top for employees in a way management itself does. Open communication needs to be rewarded. Managers have to be enthusiastic about sharing ideas in that they need to reward good ideas from the staff. An employee who feels that his contributions are not being received well ceases to contribute (Bovee, 2010). Open communication facilitates the ideas sharing environment through managers and employees of the lower radar interacting formally and informally to address the existing or potential work related issues. Conclusion The culture of open communication where employees are encouraged to share ideas and concerns gives them the sense that they are valued in the organization. This feeling of value, in turn, leads to a sense of ownership among the staff and in return high performance. Therefore, dialogue and open communication is the culture that every organization should embrace. References Bovee, C.L., 2010. Business Communication Today, 10/e. Pearson Education India. Capriotti, P. and Moreno, A., 2007. Corporate citizenship and public relations: The importance and interactivity of social responsibility issues on corporate websites. Public relations review, 33(1), pp.84-91. Chiva, R., Alegre, J., and Lapiedra, R., 2007. Measuring organizational learning capability among the workforce. International Journal of Manpower, 28(3/4), pp.224-242. Dyck, B., Mauws, M., Starke, F.A. and Mischke, G.A., 2012. Passing the baton: The importance of sequence, timing, technique a Deetz, S.A., Tracy, S.J. and Simpson, J.L., 2009. Leading organizations through the transition: Communication and cultural change. Sage Publications and communication in executive succession. Journal of business venturing, 17(2), pp.143-162. Kent, M.L., and Taylor, M., 2012. Toward a dialogic theory of public relations. Public relations review, 28(1), pp.21-37. McChesney, R.W., 2015. Rich media, poor democracy: Communication politics in dubious times. New Press, The. Rybalko, S. and Seltzer, T., 2010. Dialogic communication in 140 characters or less: How Fortune 500 companies engage stakeholders using Twitter. Public relations review, 36(4), pp.336-341. Skordoulis, R. and Dawson, P., 2007. Reflective decisions: the use of Socratic dialogue in managing organizational change. Management Decision, 45(6), pp.991-1007. Swenson, D.H., 2008. Relative Importance of Business Communication Ski Lls for the Next Ten Years. The Journal of Business Communication (1973), 17(2), pp.41-49. Yang, S.U., Kang, M. and Johnson, P., 2010. Effects of narratives, openness to dialogic communication, and credibility on engagement in crisis communication through organizational blogs. Communication Research, 37(4), pp.473-497 Zoller, H.M., 2004. Dialogue as global issue management: Legitimizing corporate influence in the transatlantic business dialogue. Management Communication Quarterly, 18(2), pp.204-240.